Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Oxford: Town & Gown - Part 1

We spent the first week of 2016 in beautiful Oxford, home of the oldest university in the English speaking world. We crammed a great deal into our stay and for that a reason I had no idea where to begin this post. SO after much procrastinating and deliberating (fourteen days, in fact!) I realized the only logical decision is to dedicate two posts to Oxford. Part one will focus on the town proper.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Hampton Court Palace & Gardens

Mid December through early January we were fortunate to do a house and pet sit near London and on December 29, 2015 we visited Hampton Court Palace.

Saturday, January 2, 2016


Most of the time we plan our next destination with care, but sometimes it's those serendipity last minute decisions that take us to some of the more memorable locales. Take for instance the short six days we had between December housesits. We knew we wanted to remain in the south of England, but where? John suggested Chichester and I'm ever so glad he did. It's a gem of a town.