Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Versailles, France

On Saturday, October 26 we returned to France for a 2.5-week repeat housesit in Nice. We were delighted to be able to take public transit and especially eager to travel on Ottawa's new LRT (Light Rail Transit) system. Combining the O-Train with the #7 bus eliminated at least 20 minutes off the journey from our condo to the Via Rail Station. We're impressed!

O-Train, Tremblay Station

Monday, October 21, 2019

Autumn's Awesome!

I swear there's been a shift in the universe because time seems to be moving along SO much quicker than it used to. One minute it's the beginning September and the next October is nearly at an end. Nonetheless, it's been a busy, productive and enjoyable seven weeks since my last post - here's the nitty-gritty!