Before we flew to the UK in October an Exeter homeowner contacted us to ask if we'd housesit while she and her husband holidayed in Tenerife. Because the sit included taking care of two gorgeous Norwegian Forest cats, Buffy and Angel, we quickly agreed.
Exeter Cathedral is in the very centre and we enjoyed strolling through its Christmas market.
As with so many of these UK churches they require constant maintenance and scaffolding is a common sight.
The carved detailings on the exterior is truly impressive.
Once again we managed to time it perfectly and were treated to the sights and sounds of a school Christmas performance inside the cathedral.
We chose to keep moving during the service and as a result were serenaded to a beautiful array of Christmas carols while we soaked in the light and airy gothic architecture.
Cathedrals derive their name from the cathedra or bishop's throne. Exeter's was built in 1313-1316. The canopy is the largest in Britain and "one of the greatest achievements in 14th century woodwork in all of Europe".
One feature I've not observed on other cathedrals are these paintings at the corners of the base.
One feature I particularly enjoyed was this paper mache life size replica of a boss.
It helps put into perspective how high cathedral ceilings really are as when photographed from the floor these bosses appear to be nothing more than buttons.
Just one final glimpse of the city itself before returning home...
To take care of Buffy...
And Angel...
Thank you Jenna and Graham for the opportunity to take care of your beautiful home as well as spend time with Buffy and Angel. Cheers!
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