It's no secret Newfoundland communities often have unique names and three we recently visited on the Avalon peninsula are Dildo, Cupids and Brigus.
The town of Dildo dates back to the 17th century and while no one is certain how it got its name it may be in reference to round pegs that lock oars in place on a dory.
View of the harbour and ferry dock |
Across the way is a church overlooking the harbour. The cross at the top of the steeple is on a slight angle, making me wonder if got that way as a result of the wind blowing in off the water or faulty installation.
Dotted here and there are colourful homes that add to the picturesque quality of Dildo.
Cupids is not far from Clarke's Beach where we recently housesat. Established by John Guy in 1610 it is the oldest continuously settled British colony in Canada and today is home to 761 residents.
These next two homes are on a loop road a short distance from the town proper. The views from these properties are to die for!
Back in town is Skipper Ben's a bed and breakfast and restaurant. Antje and Dennis treated us to an incredible dinner here on our last evening housesitting in Clarke's Beach. The delicious home cooked food, diverse and stimulating conversation, bountiful laughs and beautiful view across the bay made for a most memorable affair. Thank you both!
Brigus is less than 5 km away, but as unique of the others as they are of it. This memorial is to native Captain Robert Abram Bartlett who made more than twenty voyages to the arctic beginning in 1905-06 with Perry's expedition.
Hawthorne Cottage, his family homestead, is now a national historic site.
View of Brigus from across the bay |
St. Patrick's RC Church |
John N. Leamon Museum |
St. George's Church of England |
Where's John? |
The histories of all three communities is deep and varied and while we managed a quick tour of each we realize there is so many more layers and stories to discover in Dildo, Cupids and Brigus.
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