Sunday, March 11, 2018

Malaga Centre of Contemporary Art

Present day artists and their creations can be a mixed bag of tricks, but we were pleasantly surprised by what we found within Malaga's Centre of Contemporary Art.

The museum is deceptively small looking from the street, but once inside it is massive.

See that balcony on the left below? I almost missed it because once again I forgot to look up as I once did during a meteor shower! 

Death or Glory, Hadaly Villasclaras, 2016-17

Firebird, Jose Diaz Oliva, 1982

Colour Square Sphere, Olafur Eliasson, 2007

The feature artist was Stephan Belkanhol.

Born in Germany in 1957 he attended the Hamburge School of Fine Arts from 1976 to 1982. 

He is primarily known for his rough-hew sculptures of every day people, each chiseled from a block of wood and then painted. 

Belkanhol now lives in France and his work has been exhibited around the world. 

All in all a great cultural outing in Malaga!

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