Monday, December 10, 2012

Lagoons, Pelicans & Big Boy Toys

So, what have we been up to the past five days besides surfing the web? John's been walking, swimming, reading, napping, eating, and then walking, swimming, reading - well, you get the idea. It's been sheer drudgery, but someone has to do it!


Last week he decided to explore the lagoon sandwiched between N. Lagoon Drive and Thomas Drive. So, we headed to a boat launch in the van, he climbed in his kayak, and away he went. He paddled the entire length, from the causeway to the tip at the top left of the map, and back again.

There seems to be a home for every lifestyle and budget.

Although there aren't the highrises that cling to the gulf, and without the constant crash of waves on the beach it's quiet. Serene.

This home with swimming pool and lanai is on the market if you're interested. (Around $300K)

This one's even larger, but if I had my drothers, I'd stay gulf side. (No gator's, and no big boy toys required.) 

Although I do love the pelicans. They fly in groups, using the same "V" formation as Canadian geese.

What I did during those two hours John went kayaking? Hit the mall. Had fun. We're both livin' the dream at Latitude 30!

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