Thursday, December 27, 2012

Newburyport, MA

On the Saturday before Christmas we toured Newburyport, MA with our daughter. 

There was so much to see and I did my best to ignore the biting cold wind. But when my fingertips tingled from frostbite I turned the camera over to John. Imagine my surprise when even he said he'd had enough and shoved it in his pocket. (Does that mean we've grown accustomed to the warm Florida temperatures all ready?!)

Entrances and windows enticed Christmas shoppers at every turn...

...every shop door had its own special holiday wreathe. Which would you choose? 

Door #1...

Door #2...

Or Door #3?

Tired of walking? Take the horse and wagon... 

I wish we'd jumped on it because I almost froze on the short walk to this antique market near the water.

The trip was worth it, however. Inside it had just about anything and everything you can imagine, but the outside was equally impressive.

A must-see on any visit to a New England town is the church. This one just oozes personality...

There was so much more to see in Newburyport, MA. and we barely scratched the surface. We plan to return for a more in depth look, and I can hardly wait.

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