Saturday, March 9, 2013

Canada, Eh?

Last week we said goodbye to Panama City Beach, but the locals hardly noticed. They were busy gearing up for the hoards of March breakers. And soon row upon row of wooden loungers returned to the beach after being in winter storage. 

Although the drive north takes only three days (at a leisurely pace), we gave ourselves four days in case of bad weather. Day 1 saw clear sunny skies and a definite chill caught me off guard in northern Alabama. On day 2 we hit rain in Kentucky and Ohio. Day 3 in Michigan it snowed, and on day 4 on the 401 we persevered those typical cloudy gray days of a southwestern Ontario winter that I loath. And did I mention the temperature? It was and IS cold. Worse, I've had to trade in my sandals for shoes. Real shoes with laces and thick soles. Seriously, what's with that?!

Another surprise when we hit Toronto were the snowbanks. In abundance. And in March no less. 

On a more serious note, we've settled back into life in Canada and on the farm fairly quickly We're not sure if this is our ninth or tenth sojourn here as caretakers, but whatever the actual count we enjoy it so much we're seriously considering taking on other housesitting assignments both here and abroad. More about that later.

While John takes the dogs for a morning and afternoon walk through the fields of this 100 acre property, I prefer the side road. The hill in the distance is steeper than it looks, and once I reach the top I can literally see for miles. It makes the trek worthwhile!

As for the dogs, that's Julie on John's right. She's the smartest dog I've ever met, and I swear her IQ is higher than some humans. Her son, Brynn, isn't quite as intellectual, but he's a big teddy bear of a dog who loves to hug and cuddle. He licks John to death because he knows he can get away with it.

I'll post more updates on farmsitting in the weeks to come, but right now I'll sign off and go hug the wood stove. Between now and then would you mind doing me a favor? Pray for a quick spring thaw. I'd love to be able to trade in my current Canadian footwear for my 'winter boots'. I miss them!

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