Since our arrival at the farm there were so many telltale signs warmer temperatures were just around the corner. This week, however, winter returned with a vengeance.
Last week the guinea hens darted out of the barn each morning to peck for bugs and other such delicacies on the newly exposed grass.
Mourning doves, chickadees, and finches came in droves to the bird feeder on the porch.
The peacocks pranced onto fence posts to survey the arrival of spring.
Brynn and Alice (the donkey) cavorted in the barnyard.
Then, within hours it all changed. Jessie ventured out of the barn as if to ask how I felt about the sudden change of weather. (In case you haven't guessed, I don't like it!)
How's John coping? He perseveres and takes the dogs for their morning and afternoon matter what.
Me? I'll hug the wood stove, and do my best not to complain. Yeah. Right. Like that's even possible! ;-)
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