Friday, April 19, 2013

Varadero Beach, Cuba

Colour me a complete wimp, but I was unwilling to return home to the Great White North - especially when at the beginning of April it was STILL the Great White North.  So, we flew to Cuba.

And that was a good decision because friends reported there was a four-foot snowbank blocking our driveway, and they sent the proof via the photo below. 

As this was designated to be my very first winter WITHOUT snow, I'm ever so glad I opted to take matters into my own hands and thanks to our b-i-l, Ed, we booked a last minute trip to Varadero.

Our first day at the beach a hotel staffer presented me with a grasshopper made from a palm leaf. How's that for a lovely way to begin a hard day at the beach? 

While we spent 14 glorious days at the beach, the snow at home continued to melt. Although, not nearly as much or as quickly as I'd hoped. When we arrived home this past Wednesday we still could not drive into our driveway. John had to shovel away the snowbank--in the rain, no less. Even this morning the rain continues, but as you can see the road is wider and there are telltale signs spring might just be in the air.

However, the back yard deck is still covered and it'll be a while before we get to enjoy the BBQ. (It's covered on the far left).

It'll also be a while before the grass and flowers in the garden appear. 

It may not be fair to compare the Great White North to Cuba, but I'll take warm temperatures, tropical breezes and a sandy beach that goes on forever any day of the week.

It gives me a perfect excuse to show off my "new winter boots" one last time!

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