Friday afternoon was about as perfect as it gets in the Great White North with short sleeve tee shirt temperatures, clear blue skies, and NO bugs.
So, we headed north of town so John could kayak on the Serpent River. I just had to take a picture of his wet suit attire. Like his booties?
Of course, his patience wore thin when I continued snapping away while he was so anxious to get in the water. His expressions says it all, don't you think?!
Usually, he says how long he'll be gone, but not this time. He just started paddling! So, I grabbed my lawn chair, Neo and bottle of water from the van, and wrote while he was away. Surprisingly, an hour and a half passed in a blink of an eye.
Saturday afternoon Maxine and I attended the 8th Biennial Quilt Show in Elliot Lake.
There were so many incredible quilts, made by amazing, talented women. Here's a few examples:
Today John and I toured Esten Lake and stopped in a small cove to eat our lunch.
This was our view.
On the way back we spotted some ice still on the lake. We could actually here it sizzling as it melted.
It was also surprisingly thick...
As soon as we returned home, John loaded the kayak on the van, and headed for Elliot Lake. He wanted to check out Sandy Point. Me? I walked around Esten south and north. Like I said, NO bugs. Not yet, anyway.
Life is good!
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