Towards the middle of June, Covid19 lockdown and travel restrictions began to ease somewhat across Ontario and so we packed up the van and returned to Elliot Lake on June 24th.
Cinder Lake |
For the safety of others we opted to voluntarily isolate for fourteen days which really wasn't such a hardship as John was able to go kayaking and more often than naught he had the entire lake to himself. (With the exception of the final seven photos John gets full credit for photography in this post.)
Quirke Lake with the majestic Rooster Rock to the left
Quirke Lake
Quirke Lake
Quirke Lake
Lilies on Quarke Lake
There are so many lakes within a few minutes drive from town that John can kayak on a different lake every single day of the week if he so chooses. (And he often did!)
Depot Lake
Depot Lake (this spot is a great place to catch bass!)
Marshland River
Esten Lake
Elliot Lake Falls |
While John kayaked I was quite comfortable (given the consistent 30C+ temperatures) at home.
Our house backs onto the bush and while it's beautiful, depending on the season there can be a few bugs...
...which is why the screened gazebo in the backyard is my sanctuary!
Upon the completion of our 14-day self quarantine period ended we enjoyed a refreshing dip in Elliot Lake.
Elliot Lake
Elliot Lake public beach
We're halfway through 2020 and this year will be remembered for so many reasons - both good and bad, but John and I are grateful to spend the summer in the north. Until next time, stay safe.
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