Saturday, October 5, 2013

Crowe's Landing

This morning John wanted to go kayaking, but the weather didn't co-operate. So, we took a road trip north on Hwy. 40 to Crowe's Landing on Stoney Lake. 

It's a tourist's delight with cottages all around the lake. I think this place was a B&B.

Here's a view of the side of this building from the dock. If you look closely there is a moose head mounted on the porch, just to to the right of that tree. I'm pointing that out for a reason, but you'll have to read further to get it. Anyway...

Just up the hill is the Stoney Lake Market

During the summer I imagine this place is hopping, but today it was a little more laid back. Well, sort of.

On those very steps I ran into a disgruntled customer. Depending on how you look at it, I was either in the right place at the right time, or the wrong place at the wrong time, but that's for you to decide. Here's the story...

This guy was in his mid 50s, wore a leather jacket, and had 'hippy' written all over him. He asked straight away why I shopped at the market. When I said I'd never been before, he warned me about the prices. "A Chelsea bun," he said, "costs $10! For one! What are they? The size of Detroit?" 

In the next breath he said he was staying at the Irwin Inn (within walking distance from the market) to attend his best friend's daughter's wedding, and that he and his friend had partied all of Friday night, and that the deck on their chalet "somehow" got damaged. Uh-huh. This guy might've been a whole lot happier if he'd forgotten all about the pastries and just ordered a Moosehead beer as shown on the sign below. Plus, He could've sat at one of those tables and contemplated life in the great outdoors. Alone. ;-)

Where was John during this stimulating conversation? I walked down the hill and found him standing on the dock, gazing longingly at the lake. Well, okay. I'll admit I couldn't see his face or his expression, but just look at that body language. Doesn't that just scream 'forlorn'? I'll bet you a dozen of those very expensive Chelsea buns he wished he could just climb in his kayak and GO!

But that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. SO, I returned to the Market and got him a blueberry pie.

It was still warm and fresh out of the oven, but I doubt Paddle Boy cared. Ah, well, tomorrow's another day, and if the kayak gods approve, he'll be on the water and smiling from ear to ear. Now, riddle me this. What am I gonna do with all that pie?

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