Friday, October 11, 2013

Friends in the Gardens

Friday was one of those perfect autumn days writers wax poetic about, so be forewarned this could get messy! But seriously, it was incredible. Temperatures reached the low twenties. White puffy clouds traipsed across the sapphire sky. A gentle breeze kept the bees at bay, and when our good friends Fred and Maxine dropped by for a visit that made the day even more special.

They're staying with their daughter and son-in-law who live on the outskirts of Peterborough for this Thanksgiving weekend, so a little jaunt north of Hwy. 7 to the farm was a given. 

We toured the farm gardens, and Maxine named and identified a gazillion plants.

Next on the list was a visit to the barnyard. The geese and guinea hens honked and squawked a welcome that made our conversation difficult. If you think you can talk louder that the alpha gander, think again. He's LOUD!

Jessie the horse and Alice the donkey arrived on the scene in short order.

And then Maxine and Alice became the best of friends! 

Even the peacocks put on a show for our guests. This guy stayed put long enough for both Maxine and I to snap his photo.

We also toured the orchard and the wagon loaded with various types of squash.

By five we headed indoors and ended a perfect day with some wine, dinner, great conversation, and of course, lots of laughs and giggles. Thanks Fred and Maxine for a super day. Hugs and Happy Thanksgiving!

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