Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Leahy Family

It's been a busy week. John spent it skating, snowshoeing and cross-country skiing at the Black Forest Conservation Park while I hit the mall--twice. Keegan, well, Keegan's Keegan. He thinks all this rushing around is insane, and took it easy whenever possible. He likes the floor...

But he's equally partial to a warm human body part like one of John's feet.

Yesterday, he jumped up on the ottoman and peered up over the top of my laptop screen. All I saw were two dark brown eyes and a massive head of white hair. Too cute! Needless to say I stopped surfing the net to play with him.

Earlier this week while we were watching TV, he raced across the family room and flew onto my chair to give me a hug. A real hug. I swear! THAT was the moment when I wondered what on earth am I'm going to do when his owners return home. I suspect there will be more than a few tears shed when we take our leave. (I'm talking about ME...not Keegan!)

Last, but certainly not least, Mr. Keegan surprised us with two more tickets for a Capital Centre performance. The Leahy's Family Christmas was an emotional roller coaster ride of music, family and just plain old fashioned fun that made John and I yearn for more. We're blessed to have shared a few moments with this amazing family. Also on stage were more kids than we could count...I'm serious! They ranged from Adelle, a beautiful teenage girl with super model looks (and WAY more talent) to a cute little six-year old (Michael) who could step dance with the best of them. Michael, simply could NOT sit still while he was on stage. Even when he was sitting, he was dancing to the music! I have a feeling he'll one day be center stage himself. Not a huge surprise as he's Natalie MacMaster and lead fiddler, Donnell Leahy's, son.

Thank you, Keegan. For the memories, for the hugs, and for the music! Life IS good!

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