We awoke this morning to a blanket of freshly fallen snow, and then mid-morning it got really blustery.
John and Keegan went outside a couple of times during the day to shovel the stuff off the driveway and steps, but the winds continued to blow it around.
John and Keegan went outside a couple of times during the day to shovel the stuff off the driveway and steps, but the winds continued to blow it around.
Even though we humans may not have wanted to venture outside for an evening walk, Keegan did SO, after dinner away we went. While the temperature was slightly below 0 Celsius, the strong wind gusts and heavy snowfall made it feel colder.
We thought this might be a perfect evening to get some photos of the Christmas lights along the street, but the weather seems to have turned most homeowners into Grinches. No lights!
We thought this might be a perfect evening to get some photos of the Christmas lights along the street, but the weather seems to have turned most homeowners into Grinches. No lights!
Keegan and I thought we'd spice things up and pose in front of the only non-Grinch neighbour, and as per usual he coped much better than me. Do you see my black hat? Yup, the one that looks white. That's how much snow fell after us being outdoors for maybe 15 minutes...and I won't even mention my glasses.
Ah, well. We still can't complain. John went skating at noon; I did some writing; Keegan played with his squeaky toy. It was a great day for the three of us.
'Tis the season.
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